
Unparalleled Beauty: A Conversation With Kayla Lauren

Breathtaking can’t come close to describing the aura and sheer beauty of this woman.  Today we’re sitting down with the stunning Kayla Lauren.

The Guy Review:  Kayla, thanks for chatting with us.  So, where are you from?

Kayla: Originally, I’m from Chicago, but I moved to LA a few years ago.

The Guy Review:  This is hard to describe with words, but Kayla has the most alluring eyes imaginable.  Adding to her mystique, she is also one of the friendliest and well-rounded people I have ever met.

The Guy Review:  You mentioned you went to college in Illinois, right?

Kayla: Yes, I went to DePaul University in Chicago where I majored in Psychology and minored in Sociology. 

The Guy Review:  Nice!  What made you choose those two fields of study? 

Kayla:  Mental health, why and how people do things either in a positive or negative way has always fascinated me.   For example, mental health is largely disregarded even though in the United States 1 in 5 adults has a mental health condition.  What’s worse is the vast majority of adults and children are either left with no or insufficient treatment. 

The Guy Review:  Wow, that’s quite the background.  Mental health is a serious concern that doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it should.  From your experience, what should a person do if he or she is suffering from a mental health episode(s)?

Kayla:  First, reach out to your immediate support system such as close friends and family.  Therapy is also suggested, however check your insurance first – shit gets expensive.  Is anyone is suffering from an acute episode he or she should seek medical help immediately.  There is also a national suicide prevention hotline available 24 hours a day 800-273-8255. 

The Guy Review:  What’s your passion and calling in life?

Kayla: I’m still trying to figure that out, but I thoroughly enjoy helping people.  I’m currently looking to volunteer at the various shelters around LA such as the Los Angeles Mission and Union Rescue Mission. 

The Guy Review:  Donating your time and resources in the service of those who are less fortunate; such an admirable trait to have. 

The Guy Review:  Where can people go to volunteer or even donate online on a national basis?

Kayla: Endhomelessness.org is a great resource that is dedicated to ending homelessness through partnerships, outreach and strategic planning.  Nationaleatingdisorders.org is another great resource for those who suffer from eating disorders.  I worked within the mental health profession for years and eating disorders are some of the most debilitating I have ever seen. 

The Guy Review:  Here’s a question that’s been on my mind.  Are you single? LOL

Kayla: No, I’ve actually had the same boyfriend the last 3 years. 

The Guy Review: Oh wow, lucky fucker LOL

The Guy Review:  What are the most attractive characteristics that a guy can have in your eyes?

Kayla:  Physically, I don’t really have a type.  Humor and confidence, but not cockiness are huge turn ons for me. 

The Guy Review:  What about turnoffs?

Kayla: Being Sexist or mechanistic.  I also like clean people, so no flipping your drawers inside out. LOL

The Guy Review:  Aside from modeling and working, what do you like to do with your spare time?

Kayla: I like eating, reading, watching tv/movies, Netflix and exercising, since I’m a certified personal trainer.  Comedies are my thing; Billy Madison, Talladega Nights, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and my all-time favorite TV show is Curb Your Enthusiasm. 

The Guy Review:  Um, with regards to exercise, I would be more than happy to spot you while you squat. LOL

Kayla:  LOL

The Guy Review:  Did I hear you right?  You’re allergic to broccoli? 

Kayla:  Yes, haha.  I’m allergic to Broccoli.  From my perspective too much of anything can make your body allergic to it. 

The Guy Review:  What?  You mean to tell me that too much of something can actually mess up your body?

The Guy Review:  No way. LOL.  If that were true, then men would be allergic to porn and self-service Hahahah.

Kayla: True; LOL

The Guy Review:  What’s your view with love and lust?  Can they be one in the same? 

Kayla:  I think one can lead to the other.  Usually extreme “fuck me” lust is more rampant in the beginning.  As time goes on it can transform into a mutual respect and a level of love that grows with time. 

The Guy Review: With that being said, what’s more fun? Love or lust?

Kayla: Both in their own kind of way depending on the situation.

The Guy Review:  What about sports?  Do you like sports

Kayla: Kind of, but to tell you the truth I like live sporting events, but mostly for the hot dogs and pretzels. LOL

The Guy Review:  Fill in the blank

  • What’s your dog’s name? Sheldon
  • Favorite food? Sushi
  • Favorite position? Hmmmm good question – I like them all. 
  • What’s your sign? Scorpio
  • What’s one thing not very many people know about you? I’m actually pretty introverted.  I don’t like to go out and socialize.  It has the tendency to make me anxious.
  • Do all women own a vibrator?  Yes, at least one *wink

The Guy Review:  Oh my imagination is going all over the damn place LOL.

The Guy Review: Where can fans go to follow you and show you some love?

Kayla:  Instagram @kaylalaurenofficial and I also have a Patreon page; https://www.patreon.com/kaylalauren

The Guy Review:  Well, thanks for the chat Kayla.  You can definitely stimulate the mind along with other body parts, haha.

Kayla:  LOL, anytime.    

Kayla is most definitely one in a million.  Her intellect is matched only by her down to earth personality and generous spirit.  She is as gorgeous as she is fascinating, with the body of a goddess and eyes that mesmerize and arouse at the same time. 

Ms. Lauren is the definition of “balanced” – smart, sexy and everything in between.  To say that Kayla is intelligent and attractive wouldn’t do her justice. Let’s just say she’s magnetic and inspiring with regards to her physical and mental attributes.  I know there’s no such thing as “perfect”, but if you ask me, she’s as close as it fucking gets.   


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