Many have called the brave men and women of the 1930’s and 40’s the greatest generation to ever live. You won’t get any argument from us. The stories of camaraderie and heroism during World War 2 are legendary, as depicted by the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers.
The series follows Easy Company (part of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment). The regiment itself is assigned to the United States Army’s 101st Airborne Division. The 10 episode miniseries is based on historic events such as the American landings in Normandy, the Siege of Bastogne and Operation Market Garden. Central to the series is Major Richard Winters who led Easy Company during World War 2. Each episode generally follows another character under Major Winters such as the 6th episode – “Bastogne” featuring Eugene “Doc” Roe.
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Band of Brothers is based on Stephen A. Ambrose’s non fiction book with the same name. Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks were the executive producers in Band of Brothers and also partnered in another World War 2 masterpiece: Saving Private Ryan.
The series begins in chronological order starting with training in Georgia and culminating with the end of hostilities in Europe. Each episode reveals the trials and tribulations of war while providing a unique perspective from those who saw it with their own eyes. Band of Brothers was nominated for 20 Emmy’s and won 7. The miniseries also won a Golden Globe for best miniseries or television film and was nominated 3 times.
We must warn anyone who has not seen Band of Brothers yet. You might end up watching the entire series in a day or two as there are 10 1 hour episodes. Viewers can watch on Amazon via Amazon Prime or as well as other media outlets. This historically accurate portrait of World War 2 will leave you experiencing every emotion imaginable, from love and happiness to anger and despair. It’s only fitting that the greatest war miniseries of all time paints a picture from the greatest generation of all time.
-The Guy Review-